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CCEA Rezoning Assessment Process

Before developers submit a rezoning request to the city, they work on their proposal with the Cherry Creek East Association (CCEA)The process from the developers to the CCEA Board, the Denver Planning Board and the City Council is shown below. The developer's proposal is presented to the community, and CCEA members give feedback about whether or not they want to support the rezoning. If you are not a CCEA member, please register here so that you can participate!

Process - from Board to Planning Board.j

Protest Petition Process

After the rezoning request is filed with the City, We Agree on Three members who are homeowners within 200 feet of the properties will be able to file a protest petition. This process is described here. By filing a protest petition, City Council will need to acquire 10 votes rather than the typical 7 to pass the rezoning.

protest petition.png

During the Protest Petition process, we have other ways to voice our opinions:

  • Comment Window #1 – Starts after public notice goes out and closes at 5 pm 9 days before the public hearing. Comments are included in the staff report that is distributed to the Planning Board members and posted online one week before the public hearing

  • Comment Window #2 – Opens at the end of Comment Window #1 and closes at 12 pm on the day before the public hearing. Comments are distributed electronically to Planning Board on a regular basis and by hard copy at the meeting.

  • Attend & speak at the public hearing

We Agree on Three will walk its supporters through this process to ensure we are commenting and attending at these key stages. Our legal representative will also be guiding us. 

Other Resources

You can keep tabs on zoning in our neighborhood  by going to the City of Denver website and typing in Madison and Bayaud under "Proposed Zone and Map Amendments" here.

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© 2022 We Agree on Three, Inc.



All numbers are preliminary estimates and illustrate a general sense of the likely impacts. Calculations are based on the number of residential units and publicly available statistics, e.g., residents per unit, cars per unit, percentage of people working, percentage of people driving to work, parking spaces required by the City of Denver, etc. References include U.S. Census (updated), Bureau of Labor Statistics, Data USA, and Denver Zoning documents. 

Disclaimer: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed on this website belong solely to We Agree on Three Inc. (WAO3) and not necessarily any other person, entity, organization, committee, or group. Assumptions made herein do not reflect the position of anyone other than WAO3.

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